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INI File | 1996-08-19 | 6.2 KB | 237 lines |
- # Default values are noted in the comments enclosed in brackets <default>
- # This is so Valhalla can tell which version this .INI file is.
- [version]
- major=1
- minor=1
- # soundcard - Which sound card to use
- # 0 NULL (nothing)
- # 1 Gravis UltraSound
- # 2 Sound Blaster 2.0
- # 3 Sound Blaster Pro
- # 4 Sound Blaster 16/AWE 32
- [sound]
- sfxcard=3
- musiccard=3
- sfxvol=15
- musvol=6
- # These variables are for the Gravis Ultrasound
- # maxvoices Maximum # of voices
- # maxsfx Maximum # of sfx's playing at once (Only for sound effects)
- # maxsfxlen Sound effect's buffer length (Only for sound effects)
- # NOTE - base port, irq's and dma's are taken from the ULTRASND environment
- # variable
- [gus]
- maxvoices=32
- maxsfx=8
- sfxmemlen=8192
- # These are for Sound Blaster style cards
- # base Base port
- # irq IRQ
- # dma8 8 bit DMA
- # dma16 16 bit DMA (SB16)
- # mixfreq Mixing frequency
- # 16bit 16 bit sound (SB16) (Not available yet)
- # stereo Stereo sound (SBPro+)
- [sb]
- base=0x220
- irq=7
- dma8=1
- dma16=5
- mixfreq=22050
- maxvoices=32
- 16bit=off
- stereo=on
- # Some physics variables
- # gravity Gravity constant in m/s^2 <37.0>
- [physics]
- gravity=37.0
- # The default window dimensions
- # windowx The X position of the window
- # windowy The Y position of the window
- # windowwidth The width of the window
- # windowheight The height of the window
- [graphics]
- windowx=0
- windowy=0
- windowwidth=320
- windowheight=240
- # Miscellaneous game options
- # kcdelaytick The maximum delay between keys in multi key actions <23>
- # maxrounds The # rounds needed to win a match
- # timeperround The time per round (In seconds) (-1 = none)
- # scrsize Screen size (0-9)
- # gore Gore level (0-3)
- # difficulty Difficulty of computer player (0-2)
- # detail Detail level of level (0-3)
- # maxblood Maximum # of blood particles on screen at once <1000>
- [gameoptions]
- kcdelaytick=23
- maxrounds=2
- timeperround=6000
- scrsize=9
- gore=3
- difficulty=2
- detail=3
- maxblood=5000
- # Various variables for the characters
- # force Force exerted by the players when they jump <15.0>
- # speed is related to distance - higher speed, greater distance
- # force is related to height - higher force, greater height
- # forwardspeed How fast characters walk forward <3>
- # backwardspeed How fast characters walk backward <2.5>
- # jumpforwardspeed How fast characters jump forward <4>
- # jumpbackwardspeed How fast characters jump backward <3.5>
- # pushback0 Number of pixels character is pushed for attack-0 <14>
- # pushback1 Number of pixels character is pushed for attack-1 <28>
- # pushback2 Number of pixels character is pushed for attack-2 <39>
- # pushback3 Number of pixels character is pushed for attack-3 <52>
- # pushback4 Number of pixels character is pushed for attack-4 <68>
- # fallspeed0 Speed character falls <3>
- # fallspeed1 Speed character falls <2>
- # fallspeed2 Speed character falls <7>
- # fallforce0 Speed character falls <11.0>
- # fallforce1 Speed character falls <16.0>
- # fallforce2 Speed character falls <8.0>
- [characters]
- force=15.0
- forwardspeed=3
- backwardspeed=2.5
- jumpforwardspeed=4
- jumpbackwardspeed=3.5
- pushback0=14
- pushback1=28
- pushback2=39
- pushback3=52
- pushback4=68
- fallspeed0=3
- fallspeed1=2
- fallspeed2=7
- fallforce0=11.0
- fallforce1=16.0
- fallforce2=8.0
- # Projectile options
- # speed0 Speed of projectile type 0 <4>
- # speed1 Speed of projectile type 1 <8>
- # speed2 Speed of projectile type 2 <10>
- # speed3 Speed of projectile type 3 <12>
- # speed4 Speed of projectile type 4 <13>
- # arch1 Gravity for arch type 1 <-3.0>
- # arch2 Gravity for arch type 2 <8.0>
- # arch3 Gravity for arch type 3 <13.0>
- # arch4 Gravity for arch type 4 <15.0>
- # NOTE - arch type 0 is ALWAYS straight with no gravity
- [projectiles]
- speed0=4
- speed1=8
- speed2=10
- speed3=12
- speed4=13
- arch1=-3.0
- arch2=8.0
- arch3=13.0
- arch4=15.0
- # Player 1's keys
- # control Control method (keyboard or joystick)
- # keyboard Use the keyboard and then look for these variables:
- # moveleft Key to move left
- # moveright Key to move right
- # jump Key to jump
- # defend Key to defend
- # kick Key to kick
- # punch Key to punch
- # joystick Use the joystick and then look for these variables:
- # minx Determined during joystick calibration
- # maxx Same as above
- # miny Same as above
- # maxy Same as above
- [player1]
- control=keyboard
- moveleft=D
- moveright=G
- jump=R
- defend=F
- kick=LCTRL
- punch=LALT
- minx=10
- miny=9
- maxx=562
- maxy=544
- # Player 2's keys
- # Same as PLAYER1
- [player2]
- control=keyboard
- moveleft=KP_4
- moveright=KP_6
- jump=KP_8
- defend=KP_5
- kick=RCTRL
- punch=RALT
- minx=10
- miny=10
- maxx=554
- maxy=554
- # Variables for network play
- # NOTE - Network play isn't fully implemented yet, do NOT alter these values
- # type Type of network
- # name Name of player
- [net]
- type=0
- name=Unknown
- # Various serial game parameters (Not used yet)
- # base The base port for the UART
- # irq The IRQ for the UART
- # baud What baud rate the uart should be set at
- # fifo How big the FIFO buffer on the UART should be set at
- # Valid values are: 1, 4, 8, 16
- # uart To override what Valhalla detects (Generally not needed)
- [serial]
- # COM 1 Parameters (default for most computers)
- base=0x3F8
- irq=4
- #baud=38400
- #uart=1
- baud=115200
- fifo=16
- # COM 2 Parameters (default for most computers)
- #base=0x2F8
- #irq=3
- # init The init string to send to the modem
- # phone The phone number to dial
- # uart Override what Valhalla detects (generally not needed)
- init=AT &F \N0 \Q0 \J1 \V0
- phone=5551234
- 234
- 4
- 4
- 4
- 4
- 4
- 4
- 4